Public Art

Sculptures in Public Art Collections

Three Sisters

Fabricated Aluminum 2022

Highway 123 and Lake Hartwell

Dockside, Clemson SC


Welded and Forged Steel, Bronze, Concrete, Paint

Abernathy Park

Sandy Springs, GA

Sandy Springs Public Art

The Depot

Welded and Forged Steel, Paint

101 East Butler Road

Mauldin SC

Mauldin Cultural Center


Welded and Forged Steel, Paint

814 Market Street

Wilmington NC

Cape Fear Museum

New Again

Welded and Forged Steel, Paint

Broad Street and 

Main Street

Chattanooga TN

Public Art Chattanooga: Southside


Welded and Forged Steel, Cast Bronze,

 Concrete, & Paint

Gross Point Road and Wright Terrace

Skokie IL

Village of Skokie Public Art Collection


Welded Steel & Paint

Fernow Street and Sirrine Hall

Clemson University

Clemson SC

CU Public Art


Welded and Forged Steel, Paint, Concrete

Pickett Park

West Lafayette, IN

Purdue University